The map includes all REPRIEVE A5332 sites that have actively enrolled participants.
To find a site near you, please enter your zip-code in the search box at the top of the map. Use the zoom in/zoom out functions to the top left of the map to get a better idea of where a site is in your area!
Brigham & Women's Hospital Therapeutics CRS
75 Francis Street, PBBA4 | Boston, MA, 02215
Chiang Mai University HIV Treatment CRS
Research Institute for Health Sciences, Chiang Mai University | Chiang Mai, 50200
Mount Sinai St. Luke’s Roosevelt – Spencer Cox Center for Health: Samuels Clinic
1000 10th Avenue, Suite 2T | New York, NY, 10019
Dallas VA Medical Center
4500 S. Lancaster Rd., 8C | Dallas, TX, 75216
Michael E. DeBakey VAMC (MEDVAMC), ID clinic
Bldg. 100, Room 4B-370 2002 Holcombe Blvd. | Houston, TX, 77030
Chennai Antiviral Research and Treatment (CART) CRS
Gaborone Clinical Research Site
School of Medicine, Federal University of Minas Gerais CRS
Johns Hopkins University CRS
1830 East Monument St, Suite 333 | Baltimore, MD, 21287
Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Center CRS
HIV-NAT Research Collaboration, TRC-ARC | Pathumwan, 10330
The Kinder Medical Group
3661 South Miami Ave. Suite 806 | Miami, FL, 33133
University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) Adult Special Care Clinic (ASCC)
Division of Infectious Diseases, UMMC | Jackson, MS, 39216
Indiana University School of Medicine / Wishard
Emerson Hall, Suite 421 | Indianapolis, IN, 46202
Projeto Praça Onze Pesquisa em Saúde CRS
Community AIDS Network/Comprehensive Care Clinic CRS
Harbor UCLA
1124 W. Carson St | Torrance, CA, 90502
Duke University Medical Center Adult CRS
DUMC #3284 | Durham, NC, 27710
VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
11301 Wilshire Blvd (111-F) | Los Angeles, CA, 90073
Drexel University College of Medicine
2900 W Queen Ln | Philadelphia, PA, 19129
Orlando Immunology Center
1701 North Mills Ave | Orlando, FL, 32803
Centro de Referencia e Treinamento DST/AIDS CRS
James J Peters VA Medical Center CRS
995 Potrero Avenue, 4th Floor | San Francisco, CA, 94110
Henry Ford Hospital
2799 West Grand Blvd | Detroi, MI, 48202
Hamilton Health Sciences
1200 Main Street West 1S2 | Hamilton, Ontario , L8N 3Z5
Infectious Diseases Specialty Clinic, Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center Wake Forest University Health Sciences
100 Medical Center Boulevard | Winston-Salem, NC, NC, 27157
Alabama CRS
1917 Clinic/Alabama CTU Site 31788 | Birmingham, AL, 35294
Hospital Nossa Senhora da Conceicao CRS
University of Cape Town Lung Institute (UCTLI) CRS
University of Southern California CRS
Keck School of Medicine, IRD Building, Room 436 | Los Angeles, CA, 90033
Virginia Commonwealth University
1000 E. Marshall Street, Room 205 | Richmond, VA, 23284
Vancouver ID Research & Care Centre Society
201-1200 Burrard Street | Vancouver, BC, V6Z2C7
The Florida Department of Health - Hillsborough County CRS (University of Southern Florida)
USF-HIV Clinical Research Unit 032001 | Tampa, FL, 33602
University of Rochester Adult HIV Therapeutic Strategies Network
601 Elmwood Ave | Rochester, NY, 14642
Washington University Therapeutics CRS
Soweto CRS
University of Washington AIDS CTU CRS
325 9th Ave, Box 359929 | Seattle, WA, 98104
Cooper University Hospital
Early Intervention Program | Camden, Camden, 08103
Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences CRS
J8.03 – 3650 Saint Urbain Street | Montreal , QC, H@X 2P4
Baystate Infectious Diseases Clinical Research
3300 Main Street, Suite 1D | Springfield, MA, 01199
New Jersey Medical School Clinical Research Center
185 South Orange Avenue | Newark, NJ, 07103
Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College (BJMC) CRS
Positive Health Clinic CRS
Cincinnati CRS
231 Albert Sabin Way, PO: #6700560 | Cincinnati, OH, 45267
Denver Public Health
605 Bannock St. | Denver, CO, 80204
Toronto General Hospital Immunodeficiency Clinic
585 University Ave, 13 North | Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2N2
Georgetown University
3800 Reservoir Rd NW M4021 | Washington, DC, 20007
Weill Cornell Chelsea
53 W. 23rd St. | New York, NY, 10010
Instituto de Infectologia Emilio Ribas
Inova Heart and Vascular Institute
Case CRS
2061 Cornell Rd, Room 401 | Cleveland, OH, 44106
AIDS Research and Treatment Center of the Treasure Coast
981 37th Place | Vero Beach, FL, 32960
Specialty Care Center CRS
Stanford University
1000 Welch Rd, Suite 202 | Palo Alto, CA, 94304
Weill Cornell Uptown
525 East 68th St., Box 97 | New York, NY, 10065
Augusta University Research Institute, Inc. CRS
Family Clinical Research Unit (FAM-CRU)
Northwestern University CRS
645 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 900 | Chicago, IL, 60611
UT Soutwestern HIV Research Unit
1936 Amelia Court, 2nd Floor | Dallas, TX, 75235
Bluegrass Care Clinic
740 S Limestone, Bluegrass Care Clinic | Lexington, KY, 40536
Whitman-Walker Health CRS
1701 14th Street NW | Washington, DC, 20009
Penn Therapeutics CRS
502 Johnson Pavilion | Philadelphia, PA, 19104
Malcom Randall VA Medical Center CRS
University of Toledo Medical Center CRS
The Miriam Hospital CRS
164 Summit Avenue | Providence, RI, 02906
University of Illinois at Chicago Project WISH CRS
808 S. Wood St., M/C 735, Rm. 888 | Chicago, IL, 60612
Chronic Viral Illness Service CRS
Columbia Physicians and Surgeons CRS
Greensboro CRS
Regional Center for Infectious Disease | Greensboro, NC, 27401
Jackson Memorial Hospital CRS
Ohio State University CRS
Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Vanderbilt Therapeutics CRS
Vanderbilt One Hundred Oaks | Nashville, TN, 37204
Tulane - Louisiana Community AIDS Research Program
Infectious Disease Section, SL-87 Tulane School of Medicine | New Orleans, LA, 70112
Mount Sinai St Luke's Morningside
440 West 114th Street | New York, NY, 10025
Rush University CRS
"600 S. Paulina St Suite 140-143 | Chicago, IL, 60612
GHESKIO Institute of Infectious Diseases and Reproductive Health (GHESKIO - IMIS) CRS
Palmetto Health Clinical Trial Department CRS
(31930) Tufts Medical Center CRS
800 Washington St. | Boston , Massachusetts, 02111
Puerto Rico AIDS CRS
Proyecto ACTU School of Medicine, UPR | San Juan, 00935-5067
Medical College of Wisconsin
9200 W. Wisconsin Ave. | Milwaukee , WI, 53226
Instituto de Pesquisa Clinica Evandro Chagas (IPEC) CRS
Chapel Hill CRS
130 Mason Farm Road, CB#7215 | Chapel Hill, NC, 27599
Joint Clinical Research Center (JCRC)/Kampala CRS
Plot 101, Lubowa Estates | Kampala, 10005
Fundação de Medicina Tropical CRS
Abbott Northwestern Hospital CRS
Ponce de Leon Center
Emory HIV/AIDS CTU | Atlanta, George, 30308
Medical University of South Carolina
135 Rutledge Ave Suite 1202, PO Box 752 | Charlestown, SC, 29425
Maple Leaf Research CRS
University of Pittsburgh CRS
3520 Fifth Ave, Suite 510 | Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
Milton Park CRS
Hospital Federal dos Servidores do Estado CRS
University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics CRS
University of Colorado Hospital CRS
12631 East 17th Ave | Aurora, CO, 80045
Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Center
1625 N. Schrader Boulevard | Los Angeles, CA, 90028
REPRIEVE Clinical Coordinating Center
55 Fruit Street | Boston, MA, 02114
UCSD Antiviral Research Center CRS
"200 W. Arbor Dr. MC | San Diego, CA, 92103
Les Centres GHESKIO Clinical Research Site (GHESKIO-INLR) CRS
Hospital Geral de Nova Iguacu
Ohio State University CRS
Infectious Diseases Clinic | Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Trinity Health and Wellness Center CRS
219 Sunset Avenue, Suite 116A | Dallas, TX, 75208
Mount Sinai Comprehensive Health Program – Downtown
275 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor | New York, NY, 10001
Wits Helen Joseph Hospital CRS (Wits HJH CRS)
1399 Roxbury Dr.#100 | Los Angeles, CA, 90035
San Miguel CRS
University of Arizona CRS
Yale University HIV Clinical Trials Program
New Haven, CT, 06510
Massachusetts General Hospital CRS
55 Fruit Street | Boston, MA, 02114
HART (Houston AIDS Research Team)
The University of Texas-Houston | Houston, TX, 77030
Mount Sinai Beth Israel - Peter Krueger Clinic
329 East 17th Street | New York, NY, 10003
Eisenhower Health Center at Rimrock CRS
Mount Sinai Clinical and Translational Research Center
17 East 102 Street | New York, NY, 10029
Barranco CRS
Durban International CRS
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université Laval CRS
Québec (Québec)
75 Francis Street, PBBA4 | Boston, MA, 02215
Research Institute for Health Sciences, Chiang Mai University | Chiang Mai, 50200
1000 10th Avenue, Suite 2T | New York, NY, 10019
4500 S. Lancaster Rd., 8C | Dallas, TX, 75216
Bldg. 100, Room 4B-370 2002 Holcombe Blvd. | Houston, TX, 77030
1830 East Monument St, Suite 333 | Baltimore, MD, 21287
HIV-NAT Research Collaboration, TRC-ARC | Pathumwan, 10330
3661 South Miami Ave. Suite 806 | Miami, FL, 33133
Division of Infectious Diseases, UMMC | Jackson, MS, 39216
Emerson Hall, Suite 421 | Indianapolis, IN, 46202
1124 W. Carson St | Torrance, CA, 90502
DUMC #3284 | Durham, NC, 27710
11301 Wilshire Blvd (111-F) | Los Angeles, CA, 90073
2900 W Queen Ln | Philadelphia, PA, 19129
1701 North Mills Ave | Orlando, FL, 32803
995 Potrero Avenue, 4th Floor | San Francisco, CA, 94110
2799 West Grand Blvd | Detroi, MI, 48202
1200 Main Street West 1S2 | Hamilton, Ontario , L8N 3Z5
100 Medical Center Boulevard | Winston-Salem, NC, NC, 27157
1917 Clinic/Alabama CTU Site 31788 | Birmingham, AL, 35294
Keck School of Medicine, IRD Building, Room 436 | Los Angeles, CA, 90033
1000 E. Marshall Street, Room 205 | Richmond, VA, 23284
201-1200 Burrard Street | Vancouver, BC, V6Z2C7
USF-HIV Clinical Research Unit 032001 | Tampa, FL, 33602
601 Elmwood Ave | Rochester, NY, 14642
325 9th Ave, Box 359929 | Seattle, WA, 98104
Early Intervention Program | Camden, Camden, 08103
J8.03 – 3650 Saint Urbain Street | Montreal , QC, H@X 2P4
3300 Main Street, Suite 1D | Springfield, MA, 01199
185 South Orange Avenue | Newark, NJ, 07103
231 Albert Sabin Way, PO: #6700560 | Cincinnati, OH, 45267
605 Bannock St. | Denver, CO, 80204
585 University Ave, 13 North | Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2N2
3800 Reservoir Rd NW M4021 | Washington, DC, 20007
53 W. 23rd St. | New York, NY, 10010
2061 Cornell Rd, Room 401 | Cleveland, OH, 44106
981 37th Place | Vero Beach, FL, 32960
1000 Welch Rd, Suite 202 | Palo Alto, CA, 94304
525 East 68th St., Box 97 | New York, NY, 10065
645 N. Michigan Ave, Suite 900 | Chicago, IL, 60611
1936 Amelia Court, 2nd Floor | Dallas, TX, 75235
740 S Limestone, Bluegrass Care Clinic | Lexington, KY, 40536
1701 14th Street NW | Washington, DC, 20009
502 Johnson Pavilion | Philadelphia, PA, 19104
164 Summit Avenue | Providence, RI, 02906
808 S. Wood St., M/C 735, Rm. 888 | Chicago, IL, 60612
Regional Center for Infectious Disease | Greensboro, NC, 27401
Columbus, Ohio, 43210
Vanderbilt One Hundred Oaks | Nashville, TN, 37204
Infectious Disease Section, SL-87 Tulane School of Medicine | New Orleans, LA, 70112
440 West 114th Street | New York, NY, 10025
"600 S. Paulina St Suite 140-143 | Chicago, IL, 60612
800 Washington St. | Boston , Massachusetts, 02111
Proyecto ACTU School of Medicine, UPR | San Juan, 00935-5067
9200 W. Wisconsin Ave. | Milwaukee , WI, 53226
130 Mason Farm Road, CB#7215 | Chapel Hill, NC, 27599
Plot 101, Lubowa Estates | Kampala, 10005
Emory HIV/AIDS CTU | Atlanta, George, 30308
135 Rutledge Ave Suite 1202, PO Box 752 | Charlestown, SC, 29425
3520 Fifth Ave, Suite 510 | Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
12631 East 17th Ave | Aurora, CO, 80045
1625 N. Schrader Boulevard | Los Angeles, CA, 90028
55 Fruit Street | Boston, MA, 02114
"200 W. Arbor Dr. MC | San Diego, CA, 92103
Infectious Diseases Clinic | Columbus, Ohio, 43210
219 Sunset Avenue, Suite 116A | Dallas, TX, 75208
275 Seventh Avenue, 12th Floor | New York, NY, 10001
1399 Roxbury Dr.#100 | Los Angeles, CA, 90035
New Haven, CT, 06510
55 Fruit Street | Boston, MA, 02114
The University of Texas-Houston | Houston, TX, 77030
329 East 17th Street | New York, NY, 10003
17 East 102 Street | New York, NY, 10029
Québec (Québec)